Technology Policy for
Sustainable Development
Policy impact analysis on technology selection, acquisition, and diffusion for sustainable development (especially for the energy and environment sectors) by considering the “Economic - Social - Environmental” aspects
Selecting the Optimal Technology
Research to predict how future technology choices can change due to policy changes such as tax and subsidies, technology investments, and environmental changes
[Related Research]
Selection of the energy technology to minimize cost or emissions in industry sectors (positive mathematical programming)
Evaluating emission reduction potentials in the power sector (mixed integer programming)
How learning and the spillover effect can change the selection of new energy-efficient technologies

Technology Forecast Based on Consumer Preference
Research to predict the diffusion path of innovation based on consumer preference quantitatively analyzed with econometric models
[Related Research]
Demand and supply forecasting of electric vehicles with a vehicle replacement model
Consumer preference for the vehicle-to-grid service and its impact on the power system
Demand and supply analysis of the car-sharing service and its net environment impact
Consumer preference for energy-efficient appliances

Policy Impact Analysis Based on a General Equilibrium Model
Research to analyze policy impact of climate change policies by using a Computable General Equilibrium model
[Related Research]
Differentiated impact of the emissions trading system based on company size
Analysis of the economic and environmental impact due to fuel tax revisions

Hybrid Model Integrating Top-down and Bottom-up Models
Research to analyze policy impact by integrating a top-down model, which is appropriate to analyze the interaction among all economic agents, and a bottom-up model, which describes the characteristics of technologies in detail
[Related Research]
A hybrid energy system model to evaluate the impact of climate policies on the manufacturing sector: Energy-efficient technology adoption and its rebound effect
A general equilibrium analysis of individual choice behavior regarding electric vehicles (Code & Data: Supported by NRF-한국연구재단)