Research Team
이윤하 (Yoonha Lee)
PhD student
MS: Public Policy (KDI School of Public Policy)
BA: Economics (Sungkyungkwan University)
[Research Interest]
Energy and environmental policy, CGE and Optimization Modeling
Dwi Pangestu Ramadhani
PhD student
MS: Mineral Economics (Bandung Instititute of Technology)
BS: Mining Engineering (Bandung Institute of Technology)
[Research Interest]
Energy and environmental economics, Climate policy, Integrated energy modeling
Jesus Alberto Mercado Cordova
PhD student
MA: International Economics (Federal University of Río de Janeiro)
BA: Central University of Venezuela
[Research Interest]
Economic growth and development, energy economics and environmental economics
이원종 (Wonjong Lee)
PhD student
MS: TEMEP (Seoul National University)
BS: Industrial Engineering (POSTECH)
[Research Interest]
Power system optimization, Unit commitment, Renewable energy, Energy transition
전병찬 (Byoungchan Chun)
PhD student
MS: TEMEP (Seoul National University)
BS: the Degree of Bachelor of Science(Biology) DGIST
[Research Interest]
Renewable Energy diffusion, Consumer behavior, Agent Based Model
주현경 (Hyunkyung Joo)
PhD student
MS: TEMEP (Seoul National University)
BA: History and Culture (Sookmyung Women’s University)
[Research Interest]
Environmental behavior change, Energy and environmental policy, SDM
김은철 (Euncheol Kim)
PhD student
MS: Tech. Manag. (StonyBrook University)
BA: Elec. Info. Commun. Eng. (Chonnam National University)
[Research Interest]
Energy Policy, Electricity Demand Side Management
서종호 (Jongho Suh)
Master's student
BS: Climate change / Chinese language & literature (Korea University)
[Research Interest]
Energy and environmental economics, Climate change, Clean Development Mechanism, Technology transfer
한종혁(Jonghyeok Han)
Ph.D student
BS: Mechanical Engineering(Tsinghua University, Beijing)
[Research Interest]
Env. & Energy policy, System optimization, HR management
박태윤 (Taeyoon Park)
Master's student
BS: Business Management
(University of Birmingham)
[Research Interest]
Hydrogen Economy, Energy policy,
Climate change, Technology transfer
김은정(Eunjeong Kim)
Master's student
BS: Business Administration(Chung-Ang University, Seoul)
[Research Interest]
Sustainable management, Strategic management, Technology management/commercialization
Master's student
BS: Mechanical Engineering(Ajou University) / Law(Korea Cyber University)
[Research Interest]
Aviation policy, Airport operation optimizing, Technology valuation for airport operation and construction
Junshan Zhou
Master's Student
BS: Mechanical Engineering (Shanghai University, Shanghai)
[Research Interest]
Marketing strategy and demand forecasting for new technology-based firms. Technology commercialization/valuation.
이승은(Seungeun Lee)
PhD student
MS: Statistics(Seoul National University)
BS: Statistics(Sookmyung Women's University)
Korea Electric Power Corporation(KEPCO) Research Management Institute
[Research Interest]
Energy economics
CGE & Optimization modeling
Energy & Environment policy
고성민(Sungmin Ko)
PhD student
MS: Industrial Management Engineering (Kyunghee University)
BS: Industrial Management Engineering (Kyunghee University)
[Research Interest]
Environment and Energy policy
Public policy analysis
Demand analysis
R&D management
정우영(Wooyoung Chung)
Master's student
BS: Image System Engineering(Pukyong National University)
Future Technology Research Institute, SK Hynix
[Research Interest]
Technology management
Project management
ESG management
김채현(ChaeHyeon Kim)
Master's student
BS: Chemical Engineering(POSTECH)
[Research Interest]
Carbon neutral technology
Energy & Environment policy
Hydrogen economy
Optimization modeling
Kam Hong LAI
Master's Student
BS: Computer Science (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
[Research Interest]
Strategic management, Demand forecasting, Environment and energy policy
Ari Angga Suwardhana
PhD student
MS: Petroleum Engineering (Bandung Institute of Technology)
BS: Mechanical Engineering (Trisakti University)
Energy Policy Analyst / Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources / Indonesia
[Research Interest]
Oil and Gas, Energy Policy, Carbon Capture and Industrial Policy
Saypaseuth BOUAPHA
PhD student
MS: Energy Science and policy (Ajou University)
BS: Information of Technology (IT) (National University of Lao PDR)
Department of Energy Policy and Planning / Ministry of Energy and Mines / Lao PDR
박혜빈(Hyebin Park)
Master's student
BS: Management of Technology(Konkuk University, Seoul)
[Research Interest]
Environment & Energy policy
Demand analysis
Technology Management
Nobleman Peter Mushimbo
Master's Student
B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering (National Institute of Technology, Durgapur)
[Research Interest]
Technology management, Energy economics and Policy, Environment policy
Purity Wanjiru Kimotho
Master's student
Bsc. Microbiology ( University of Eldoret)
Rural Electrification & Renewable Energy Corporation ( REREC) - Kenya
[Research Interest]
Energy & Environmental policy, Energy Storage systems and sustainability
Alumni (Ph.D)
최현홍('19. TEMEP)
경희대 산업경영공학과 조교수
이화랑('20. TEMEP)
에너지기술연구원 정책연구실
Bahare Oryani ('21. IEPP)
Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, Iran
정지연('22. TEMEP)
삼성글로벌리서치(구 삼성경제연구소)
이정은('22. TEMEP)
한국환경연구원 부연구위원
Al-Lami, Ammar Zaidan('23. ITPP)
Ministry of Electricity, Iraq
Tran Thi Thanh Thuy('24 ITPP)
3itech, Vietnam
Alumni (MS)
정지연('17. TEMEP)
TEMEP 박사과정
맹관범('18. GSEP)
LG 하우시스
박헌주('18. GSEP)
윤일도('18. GSEP)
이현송('18. GSEP)
정준영('19. TEMEP)
Ohio State University (Ph.D student)
정희연('19. TEMEP)
LG 상사
김경재('19. GSEP)
신재욱('19. GSEP)
SONY Korea
신형섭('19. GSEP)
이승재('19. GSEP)
이후삼('19. GSEP)
이원종('20. TEMEP)
TEMEP 박사과정
김재엽('20. GSEP)
안병은('20. GSEP)
김경현('20. GSEP)
서울대 스마트도시공학전공 박사과정
전병찬('21. TEMEP)
TEMEP 박사과정
주현경('21. TEMEP)
TEMEP 박사과정
Frieki Putra('21. IEPP)
Ministry of Energy, Indonesia
Keo Vichet('21. IEPP)
Ministry of Mines and Energy, Cambodia
Myo Thant Oo('21. IEPP)
Ministry of Electricity & Energy, Myanmar
이진규('21. GSEP)
최성철('21. GSEP)
서유진('22. TEMEP)
Carnegie Mellon University (Ph.D student)
류호진('22. GSEP)
김민아('23. TEMEP)
Georgia Institute of Technology (Ph.d student)
성우제('23. TEMEP)
권봉기('23. GSEP)
이종호('23. GSEP)
고영석('23. GSEP)
김민창('23. GSEP)
김항래('23. GSEP)
한종혁('23. TEMEP)
TEMEP (Ph.D student)
양일모('24. GSEP)
이환기('24. GSEP)
Starbucks Korea
양성희('24. GSEP)
송승훈('24. GSEP)
서윤영('24. GSEP)