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Research Team

이윤하 (Yoonha Lee)

PhD student


MS: Public Policy (KDI School of Public Policy)

BA: Economics (Sungkyungkwan University)

[Research Interest] 

Energy and environmental policy, CGE and Optimization Modeling

Dwi Pangestu Ramadhani

PhD student


MS: Mineral Economics (Bandung Instititute of Technology)

BS: Mining Engineering (Bandung Institute of Technology)

[Research Interest]

Energy and environmental economics, Climate policy, Integrated energy modeling

Jesus Alberto Mercado Cordova

PhD student


MA: International Economics (Federal University of Río de Janeiro)

BA: Central University of Venezuela

[Research Interest]

Economic growth and development, energy economics and environmental economics

​이원종 (Wonjong Lee)

PhD student


MS: TEMEP (Seoul National University)

BS: Industrial Engineering (POSTECH)

[Research Interest] 

Power system optimization, Unit commitment, Renewable energy, Energy transition

​전병찬 (Byoungchan Chun)

PhD student


MS: TEMEP (Seoul National University)

BS: the Degree of Bachelor of Science(Biology) DGIST

[Research Interest] 

Renewable Energy diffusion, Consumer behavior, Agent Based Model

주현경 (Hyunkyung Joo)

PhD student


MS: TEMEP (Seoul National University)

BA: History and Culture (Sookmyung Women’s University)

[Research Interest] 

Environmental behavior change, Energy and environmental policy, SDM

​김은철 (Euncheol Kim)

PhD student


MS: Tech. Manag. (StonyBrook University)

BA: Elec. Info. Commun. Eng. (Chonnam National University)

[Research Interest]

Energy Policy, Electricity Demand Side Management

서종호 (Jongho Suh)

Master's student


BS: Climate change / Chinese language & literature (Korea University)

[Research Interest]

Energy and environmental economics, Climate change, Clean Development Mechanism, Technology transfer

한종혁(Jonghyeok Han)

Ph.D student


BS: Mechanical Engineering(Tsinghua University, Beijing)

[Research Interest]

Env. & Energy policy, System optimization, HR management

박태윤 (Taeyoon Park)

Master's student


BS: Business Management
(University of Birmingham)

[Research Interest]

Hydrogen Economy,  Energy policy,

Climate change, Technology transfer

김은정(Eunjeong Kim)

Master's student


BS: Business Administration(Chung-Ang University, Seoul)

[Research Interest]

Sustainable management, Strategic management, Technology management/commercialization


Master's student


BS: Mechanical Engineering(Ajou University) / Law(Korea Cyber University)

[Research Interest]

Aviation policy, Airport operation optimizing, Technology valuation for airport operation and construction

Junshan Zhou

Master's Student


BS: Mechanical Engineering (Shanghai University, Shanghai)

[Research Interest]

Marketing strategy and demand forecasting for new technology-based firms. Technology commercialization/valuation.

이승은(Seungeun Lee)

PhD student


MS: Statistics(Seoul National University)

BS: Statistics(Sookmyung Women's University)


Korea Electric Power Corporation(KEPCO) Research Management Institute

[Research Interest]

Energy economics

CGE & Optimization modeling

Energy & Environment policy

고성민(Sungmin Ko)

PhD student


MS: Industrial Management Engineering (Kyunghee University)

BS: Industrial Management Engineering (Kyunghee University)

[Research Interest]

Environment and Energy policy

Public policy analysis

Demand analysis

R&D management

정우영(Wooyoung Chung)

Master's student


BS: Image System Engineering(Pukyong National University)


Future Technology Research Institute, SK Hynix

[Research Interest]

Technology management

Project management

ESG management

김채현(ChaeHyeon Kim)

Master's student


BS: Chemical Engineering(POSTECH)

[Research Interest]

Carbon neutral technology

Energy & Environment policy

Hydrogen economy

Optimization modeling

Kam Hong LAI

Master's Student


BS: Computer Science (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)

[Research Interest]

Strategic management, Demand forecasting, Environment and energy policy

Ari Angga Suwardhana

PhD student


MS: Petroleum Engineering (Bandung Institute of Technology)

BS: Mechanical Engineering (Trisakti University)


Energy Policy Analyst / Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources / Indonesia 

[Research Interest]

Oil and Gas, Energy Policy, Carbon Capture and Industrial Policy

Saypaseuth BOUAPHA

PhD student

MS: Energy Science and policy (Ajou University)
BS: Information of Technology (IT) (National University of Lao PDR)

Department of Energy Policy and Planning / Ministry of Energy and Mines / Lao PDR

박혜빈(Hyebin Park)

Master's student

BS: Management of Technology(Konkuk University, Seoul)

[Research Interest]
Environment & Energy policy
Demand analysis
Technology Management

Nobleman Peter Mushimbo

Master's Student


B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering (National Institute of Technology, Durgapur)

[Research Interest]
Technology management, Energy economics and Policy, Environment policy

Purity Wanjiru Kimotho

Master's student


Bsc. Microbiology ( University of Eldoret)


Rural Electrification & Renewable Energy Corporation ( REREC) - Kenya

[Research Interest]

Energy & Environmental policy, Energy Storage systems and sustainability









Alumni (Ph.D)

최현홍('19. TEMEP)

​경희대 산업경영공학과 조교수

이화랑('20. TEMEP)

에너지기술연구원 정책연구실

Bahare Oryani ('21. IEPP)

Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, Iran

정지연('22. TEMEP)

삼성글로벌리서치(구 삼성경제연구소)

​이정은('22. TEMEP)

한국환경연구원 부연구위원

Al-Lami, Ammar Zaidan('23. ITPP)

Ministry of Electricity, Iraq

Tran Thi Thanh Thuy('24 ITPP)

3itech, Vietnam

Alumni (MS)

정지연('17. TEMEP)

TEMEP 박사과정

​맹관범('18. GSEP)

LG 하우시스

박헌주('18. GSEP)


윤일도('18. GSEP)


​이현송('18. GSEP)


​정준영('19. TEMEP)

Ohio State University (Ph.D student)

​정희연('19. TEMEP)

LG 상사

김경재('19. GSEP)


신재욱('19. GSEP)

SONY Korea

​신형섭('19. GSEP)


​이승재('19. GSEP)


이후삼('19. GSEP)


​이원종('20. TEMEP)

TEMEP 박사과정

​김재엽('20. GSEP)


​안병은('20. GSEP)


김경현('20. GSEP)

서울대 스마트도시공학전공 박사과정

​전병찬('21. TEMEP)

TEMEP 박사과정

​주현경('21. TEMEP)

TEMEP 박사과정

Frieki Putra('21. IEPP)

Ministry of Energy, Indonesia

Keo Vichet('21. IEPP)

Ministry of Mines and Energy, Cambodia

Myo Thant Oo('21. IEPP)

Ministry of Electricity & Energy, Myanmar

​이진규('21. GSEP)


최성철('21. GSEP)


서유진('22. TEMEP)

Carnegie Mellon University (Ph.D student)

​류호진('22. GSEP)


김민아('23. TEMEP)

Georgia Institute of Technology (Ph.d student)

성우제('23. TEMEP)


권봉기('23. GSEP)


이종호('23. GSEP)


고영석('23. GSEP)


김민창('23. GSEP)


김항래('23. GSEP)


​한종혁('23. TEMEP)

TEMEP (Ph.D student)

양일모('24. GSEP)


​이환기('24. GSEP)

Starbucks Korea

​양성희('24. GSEP)


송승훈('24. GSEP)


서윤영('24. GSEP)


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